Carney & Wehofer Family
Genealogy Pages


Name Daniel PARKER Birth 12 Mar 1750 Baltimore, Maryland, British Colonial America [1]
Gender Male FamilySearch ID LV88-T1N LifeSketch [2] The Daniel Parker in this profile belongs to Parker yDNA Family Group #05. _UID 06E4EEE82B014776AFA8762991F33DF555B0 Death Bef 6 Apr 1818 Dickson County, Tennessee Person ID I23662 Carney Wehofer 2024 Genealogy Last Modified 5 Dec 2024
Father Nathaniel PARKER, b. 1729, Maryland, British Colonial America d. 1790, Virginia
(Age 61 years)
Mother Ann Marie CLAYTON, b. 1 Jan 1726, Glouchester County, Virginia d. Jan 1790, Hampshire County, Virginia
(Age 64 years)
Marriage Abt 1744 Culpepper County, Virginia Family ID F1120 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family 1 Martha (Patsy) DICKERSON, b. Abt 1751, Texas d. Yes, date unknown
Family ID F10941 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 29 Aug 2016
Family 2 Sarah MACKINTOSH, McIntosh, b. Abt 1751, South Carolina d. 1 Dec 1846, Anderson, Texas
(Age ~ 95 years)
Marriage 11 Mar 1765 Culpepper, VIrginia, British Colony Children 1. Sussanah PARKER, b. 9 Sep 1762, Mongomery, North Carolina, British Colonial America d. 1855, Bremen, Cullman, Alabama
(Age 92 years)
2. John PARKER, b. Abt 1770, Georgia d. 12 Nov 1860, Parkertown, Hart Co, Georgia
(Age ~ 90 years)
3. Eleanor PARKER, b. Abt 1771, Georgia d. Yes, date unknown
4. Moses PARKER, b. 31 Oct 1773, Montgomery, North Carolina, British Colonial America d. 9 Aug 1852, Spencer Mills, Dickson County, Tennessee
(Age 78 years)
5. Joseph Allen PARKER, b. 17 Apr 1774, VA Or Montgomery County, NC d. 12 Nov 1860, Hart Co, GA
(Age 86 years)
6. Elizabeth PARKER, b. 6 Jan 1780, Orangeburg, Orangeburg, South Carolina d. Abt 1842, Mobile, Alabama
(Age 61 years)
7. Mary Polly PARKER, b. 1785, Orange Co. North Carolina d. 1825, Greene, Alabama
(Age 40 years)
8. Stephen W. PARKER, b. 1787, Thomaston, Uson, Georgia d. Yes, date unknown
9. Nancy PARKER, b. 1788, Chatham, North Carolina d. 6 May 1852, Chambers, Alabama
(Age 64 years)
10. Philemon PARKER, b. 1791, Upson, Georgia d. 1850, Banner, Calhoun, Mississippi
(Age 59 years)
11. Daniel Thomas PARKER, Jr., b. 6 Aug 1794, Elbert County, Georgia d. 7 Aug 1868, Neshoba, Mississippi
(Age 74 years)
Family ID F1118 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 20 Sep 2024
Notes - Biography
This profile is part of the Parker Name Study.
A Genealogy.com Forum page has information on the Daniel Parker who died in 1818 Dickson Co. TN. including a transcript from a Daniel Parker family bible wherein it is stated that Daniel Parker Seignior was born in the year 1750 the 12th Day of March.
The same Genealogy.com Forum page states: Daniel Parker apparently died in Dickson County before 6 April 1818, when Moses Parker was appointed administrator of Daniel's estate. In the Dickson County Circuit Court Minutes, July 1818, it is indicated that the sale of Daniel Parker's estate was returned to court and settlement ordered to be made with administrator of John McAdoo, deceased also.
Research Notes
yDNA - Elder John Parker line (Parker yDNA FamilyGroup #05)
Wilkes Co. GA Land Grants to Daniel Parker
1785 - 200 acres Buckhorn Creek
1785 - 150 acres Buckhorn Creek
1785 - 200 acres on Williams Creek
Richard Parker, 2 polls, 2 slaves, 200 acres Wilkes Co.
Stephen Parker,1 1/2 polls, 1 slave. Richard Parker, Jr, 1 poll.
Daniel Parker, 1 poll, 200 acres Wilkes Co.
Lewis Parker, 1 poll, 200 acres Wilkes Co.
Elbert County, Georgia was formed from Wilkes Co. GA on the 10 Dec 1790.
Elbert County, Georgia Land Grants to Daniel Parker
1801 - 200 acres on Hannah's Creek
1802 Elbert Co, GA
Daniel Parker 300 acres, on Hannahs Creek, granted to B Kelly
300 acres on Hannahs Creek, granted to B Kelly
400 acres on Cosbys Creek, granted to Crawford
150 acres in Washington Co, GA
Elbert Co, Deed Book E, 1798-1799
pg 140 George Doggett, and Milley his wife, to Daniel Parker, of Elbert Co, for 50 pounds, for 400 acres on Cosby's Creek in Elbert Co, granted to Milley Mann, now Doggett, Wit William Black, Josiah Mann.
Elbert Co, GA Deed Book K, 1806-08, pg 8 10 feb 1806, Daniel Parker to William Brown, both of Elbert Co, for 100 dollars, 200 acres, in sd. co on Hannahs Creek waters, adj SE John Sartin, all other sides unk, Wit Elijah Moseley, B Pace, 3 Apr 1806
Elbert Co, GA Deed Book L, Bolling Anthony of Wilkes Co, GA to Robert Cary, in Wilkes Co when surveyed now Elbert Co, on Hannahs Creek Waters, 500 acres granted to Barnard Kelly, 16 Mar 1789, in fee simple adj SW by Anthony, Test Daniel Parker, John (x) Hall 27 jan 1806
Jackson Co GA Deed Book C pg 129 Oct 18, 1800 John Hampton to Hackson Co to Michael BORDERS of ELbert Co for 200 acres in Jackson Co on Oconee River, wit Daniel Parker, Jas Cameron
Jackson Co GA Deed Book C pg 134 18 Oct 1800 William Malone of Jackson Co to Michael Borders of Elbert Co, 200 acres in Jackson Co, N fork of Oconee River. beginning Haptons Spring, Wit Daniel Parker J Cameron
The History of Old Spencer Mill, Dickson Co. Tennessee has some history for Daniel Parker and the Elder John Parker. It states the Parker Creek area was settled in 1804 by Moses Parker and his family, including his Uncle the Elder John Parker. Moses Parker's father was Daniel Parker and Daniel was the first minister at the Turnbull Primitive Baptist Church in 1806. Daniel's son Moses died in 9 Aug 1852. Moses Parker, Find A Grave: Memorial #58940485.[1]
Ancestry contributor doesn't have a complete copy of the Turnbull church records, but some of the Parker's listed are :
Daniel, Moses, Anson?, Samuel, Joseph, Sary, Hannah, Sarah, Ruth, Elisha, John, Elizabeth (she was excommunicated 1812 for leaving her husband).
Levin Dickson (Dixon) of Dickson County mentions his wife Abigail, her brother David, and friend Daniel Parker in his will dated 1814.
Also in Dickson county about 1806 (per Turnbull church records) are Moses Parker and Levin Dickson (Dixon). I saw a post somewhere that stated Levin Dickson married Abigail Parker, daughter of John Parker. Do you know if this is so? Also, the Dickson County Handbook has the following:
Parker Creek - Early deeds refer to this creek as Parker's Fork of Turnbull Creek. John Parker Sr. in 1810 received 640 acres on Parker's Fork ...Early settlers here were Moses Parker... .and Levin Dickson.
1807 PARKER DANIEL Franklin County GA 038 Tax List 1807
1808 PARKER DANIEL Franklin County GA 024
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 14:57:27 EST
From: Mapmaker3 at aol.com
To: PARKER-L at rootsweb.com
Re: Parkers in Upstate GA and TN
Dear otime1,
Yes, I am familiar with your Daniel Parker family. I have to be aware of your Daniel Parker since I seek my own Daniel Parker ancestor who was born about the same time as yours in about the same part of the country as yours.
Mine had children Pleasant (oldest known--born about 1775 we think in NC), Alfred, Edward, Betsy, Nancy, and William (and maybe more) who ended up in southeast KY by the 1820s. We have yet to determine the origin of our Daniel Parker. I have read that your Daniel Parker is the one from Halifax County, VA on the NC line. Is this so? If not, the Halifax County Daniel may be mine.
Please reply, so I will know how to proceed. Besides, our two Daniel Parkers are probably cousins anyway.
Bruce Nichols
Sun, 3 Feb 2002 15:42:45 EST
Thank you. You are most generous. We suspect that is OUR Daniel Parker who had land with William STILES in Wilkes Co GA. Not sure yet, but it appears the Wilkes County Pleasant Parker (whoever be belongs to) got it as a bounty for his service as a sergeant in the Revolution. We found a Wilkes County court record in 1792 where a Pleasant Parker and a William Stiles were ejected from the 300 acre parcel of land on Harding Creek.
Regardless of where OUR Daniel Parker was before 1796, we are 90% sure it is OUR Daniel Parker who lived on Beaverdam Creek in what was then Pendleton District, SC which is now Anderson County, SC--your home. The court records for 1796 to 1798 stated he was a laborer who came there from Kershaw County, SC, but they could have been mistaken. The court record was to show the trials of this same Daniel Parker for horse theft and just before he could be convicted based largely on the testimony of Edith Parker his wife, he broke jail in April 1798 and disappeared into probably TN leaving wife and kids. We believe he is the same Daniel Parker who showed up in Jefferson County, southeast IN about 1816 and lived in the village of Milton there until he died in 1848. Meanwhile, many of his children between 1806 and the 1820 settled in southeast KY in what became Laurel County. More later. Bruce
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 17:30:41 EST
From: Mapmaker3 at aol.com
To: SC-OLD-PENDLETON-DIST-L at rootsweb.com
Subject: [SC-OPD] Francis & Daniel Parker During 1790s in Pend. Dist.
I read in court records about the misdeeds of Francis and Daniel PARKER in old Pendleton District, SC during the 1790s, and I think one or both of them are the Parkers I have been seeking.
Francis Parker was convicted of creating a riot and assault and battery in Pickensville during 1795 but he fled before sentencing to parts unknown.
During August 1796 Daniel Parker, a laborer who lived on Beaverdam Creek, in 1796 stole a neighbor's horse and sold the animal near his previous home near the PeeDee River in east SC. He was also convicted partly due to his wife's testimony against him, but broke jail in April 1798 for parts unknown.
I think these two are the same men of those names shown living beside other in the 1790 census of St. John's Parish not far from Georgetown in east SC.
Genforum: We suspect that is OUR Daniel Parker who had land with William STILES in Wilkes Co GA. Not sure yet, but it appears the Wilkes County Pleasant Parker (whoever be belongs to) got it as a bounty for his service as a sergeant in the Revolution. We found a Wilkes County court record in 1792 where a Pleasant Parker and a William Stiles were ejected from the 300 acre parcel of land on Harding Creek.
Regardless of where OUR Daniel Parker was before 1796, we are 90% sure it is OUR Daniel Parker who lived on Beaverdam Creek in what was then Pendleton District, SC which is now Anderson Co SC. The court records for 1796 to 1798 stated he was a laborer who came there from Kershaw Co SC, but they could have been mistaken. The court record was to show the trials of this same Daniel Parker for horse theft and just before he could be convicted based largely on the testimony of Edith Parker his wife, he broke jail in April 1798 and disappeared into probably TN leaving wife and kids. We believe he is the same Daniel Parker who showed up in Jefferson County, southeast IN about 1816 and lived in the village of Milton there until he died in 1848. Meanwhile, many of his children between 1806 and the 1820 settled in southeast KY in what became Laurel County.
? Find a Grave, database and images (accessed 19 January 2022), memorial page for Moses Parker (31 Oct 1773– 9 Aug 1852), Find A Grave: Memorial #58940485, citing Parker-Fowlkes Cemetery, Dickson, Dickson County, Tennessee, USA ; Maintained by DAVE TAYLOR (contributor 47354368) .
Dickson Co. TN. Land Indenture 25 Aug 1817 Book P, p.620 - Daniel Parker Sr. Ancestry Shareable Link
FamilySearch, Church records, 1806-1935, Turnbull Primitive Baptist Church (Dickson County, Tennessee), electronic microfilm images.
From: "kevin stiles"
Richard Parker,2 polls, 2 slaves, 200 acres Wilkes Co.
Stephen Parker,1 1/2 polls, 1 slave. Richard Parker, Jr., 1 poll.
Daniel Parker,1 poll, 200 acres Wilkes Co.
Lewis Parker,1 poll, 200 acres Wilkes Co.
1802 Elbert Co, GA
Daniel Parker 300acres, on Hannahs Creek, granted to B Kelly
300 acres on Hannahs Creek, granted to B Kelly
400 acres on Cosbys Creek, granted to Crawford
150 acres in Washington Co, GA
Elbert Co, GA Deed Book K, 1806-08, pg 8 10 feb 1806, Daniel Parker to William Brown, both of Elbert Co, for 100 dollars, 200 acres, in sd. co on Hannahs Creek waters, adj SE John Sartin, all other sides unk, Wit Elijah Moseley, B Pace, 3 Apr 1806
Elbert Co, Deed Book E, 1798-1799
pg 140 George Doggett, and Milley his wife, to Daniel Parker, of Elbert Co, for 50 pounds, for 400 acres on Cosby's Creek in Elbert Co, granted to Milley Mann, now Doggett, Wit William Black,, Josiah Mann.
Elbert Co, GA Deed Book L, Bolling Anthony of Wilkes Co, GA to Robert Cary, in Wilkes Co when surveyed now Elbert Co, on Hannahs Creek Waters, 500 acres granted to Barnard Kelly, 16 Mar 1789, in fee simple adj SW by Anthony, Test Daniel Parker, John (x) Hall 27 jan 1806
Jackson Co GA Deed Book C pg 129 Oct 18, 1800 John Hampton to Hackson Co to Michael BORDERS of ELbert Co for 200 acres in Jackson Co on Oconee River, wit Daniel Parker, Jas Cameron
Jackson Co GA Deed Book C pg 134 18 Oct 1800 William Malone of Jackson Co to Michael Borders of Elbert Co, 200 acres in Jackson Co, N fork of Oconee River. beginning Haptons Spring, Wit Daniel Parker J Cameron
Levin Dickson (Dixon) of Dickson County mentions his wife Abigail, her brother David, and friend Daniel Parker in his will dated 1814.
Also in Dickson county about 1806 (per Turnbull church records) are Moses Parker and Levin Dickson (Dixon).
1807 PARKER DANIEL Franklin County GA 038 Tax List 1807
1808 PARKER DANIEL Franklin County GA 024
Daniel Parker apparently died in Dickson County before 6 April 1818, when Moses Parker was appointed administrator of Daniel's estate. In the Dickson County Circuit Court Minutes, July 1818, it is indicated that the sale of Daniel Parker's estate was returned to court and settlement ordered to be made with administrator of John McAdoo, deceased also.
Title: Parker Bible in possession of Turnbull Baptist Church
Note: ABBR Parker Bible in possession of Turnbull Baptist Church
Media: Book Title: Dickson County Circuit Court records
Note: ABBR Dickson County Circuit Court records
Daniel Parker, brother of the Elder John Parker, migrated with the Elder John Parker to Dickson County, TN. in 1803/04 where he died by/before 6 Apr 1818, when his son Moses Parker was appointed administrator of Daniel's estate. In the Dickson County Circuit Court Minutes, July 1818, it is indicated that the sale of Daniel Parker's estate was returned to court and settlement ordered to be made with administrator of John McAdoo, deceased also.
The History of Old Spencer Mill ( http://www.oldspencermill.com/history.html ) , Dickson Co. Tennessee has some history for Daniel Parker and the Elder John Parker. It states the Parker Creek area was settled in 1804 by Moses Parker and his family, including his Uncle the Elder John Parker. Moses Parker's father was Daniel Parker and Daniel was the first minister at the Turnbull Primitive Baptist Church in 1806.
See: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Parker-1662
- Biography
Sources - [S1160] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch Family Tree (http://www.familysearch.org), ((http://www.familysearch.org)), accessed 30 Nov 2024), entry for Daniel PARKER, person ID LV88-T1N. (Reliability: 3).
- [S1160] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch Family Tree (http://www.familysearch.org), ((http://www.familysearch.org)), accessed 30 Nov 2022), entry for Daniel PARKER, person ID LV88-T1N. (Reliability: 3).
- [S1160] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch Family Tree (http://www.familysearch.org), ((http://www.familysearch.org)), accessed 30 Nov 2024), entry for Daniel PARKER, person ID LV88-T1N. (Reliability: 3).